Finding a job might be one of the most stressful experiences any human goes through. Interviews can be nerve-racking, and waiting for that second call is even worse. However, have you ever stopped and wondered if you are even waiting to get a call from a job you want? One that is actually good for you?

In today’s episode, I welcome Nakisha Hicks, a veteran HR executive who partners with women to guide them in their careers. From tactical strategies to mindset hacks, Nakisha shares a few tips to empower you to land a role in a reciprocal job search experience (because YOU are the prize!).  She provides insights to help you present yourself in the best way possible, while also assessing if the employer is a good fit for you.

Nakisha also shares a bit of her own experience and how she was able to network, focus on herself, and, most importantly, elevate herself. 

Guest bio:

Nakisha Hicks is the owner of The ElevateHer, LLC. She is a career coach and veteran HR executive who partners with women to guide them in their careers by assisting, equipping and strengthening them to discover their potential. Through her work at The ElevateHer, the women in which she serves have been able to recognize their professional value and worth, taking them from stuck and stalled to new and exciting heights in their careers.

Resources mentioned in episode:

To contact Nakisha, visit You can also reach out to her on Facebook and LinkedIn.


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Instagram: @blackwomanleading

Podcast Music: Marshall Knights Music

Podcast Production: JourneyGurl Magic Productions

Graphics: Olayinka Ajibola

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